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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

Webinar: A practical introduction to the Unitary Patent and how to register for it

Online: 10.05.2023

Starts: 10.05.2023 13:00hrs
Ends: 10.05.2023 14:00hrs




During this hands-on training, a short introduction will be given on the Unitary Patent, unitary effect and what the consequences are if you opt in (or if you don’t).

Further, the forms which could be used relating to the Unitary Patent, what kind of information you need from your clients to be able to correctly prepare and submit the request, and how to solve issues in case of a problem will be discussed.

Finally, the calculation of due dates relating to annuity fees will be explained.


  • Evi Van Ballaer

Target group

This training is intended for everyone who will be involved in the practical side of the Unitary Patent, such as paralegals, patent attorneys or employees of companies having an internal IP. The training will be online only.

Level of expertise
Intermediate level

Online training

Technical requirements
In order to attend the on-line course participants need a computer with an internet browser and a high-speed broadband internet connection. For the webinar, epi uses Zoom. Security settings on local Firewalls need to be checked. In order to make full use of the webinar session, we recommend to use headsets.

To access to the webinar epi sends out a link and the guidelines for participants shortly before the webinar.

 Application and use of personal data

Please do not use capital letters when filling the online registration form. Please indicate only personal email addresses.

By registering for this event, you accept that all your personal data may be used by the epi and authorised third parties (e.g. EPO) to the extent necessary to provide services or content you have requested. Please note our leaflet on privacy policy regarding the processing of your personal data.  

Please note our "private policy" regarding the processing of your personal data.

Working language

  • English

Registration fee

Participation fee general
EUR 90,-


For further information, please contact Barbara Riffert ([email protected]).


Event has free slots available

Registration deadline

Registration is open until 08.05.2023 The order of receipt by epi will determine the attendance in case of over-subscription.

The registration deadline for this event (08.05.2023) is over.