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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

EPO - Annual meeting of EQE tutors and members of the EQE committees

Online: 22.10.2024 - 23.10.2024

Starts: 22.10.2024 9:00hrs
Ends: 23.10.2024 11:45hrs




One of the priorities of the European Patent Academy and its partners is to support the network of tutors preparing candidates for the European qualifying examination. The annual meeting of tutors with EQE committees allows for an exchange of important information about the most recent examination. Tutors can especially benefit from the direct contact with people in charge of preparing the examination papers and marking candidates' answers. The meetings are always very much appreciated by the tutors attending, as well as the committee members. They provide an excellent opportunity for tutors to learn more about where and how to put particular emphasis when training candidates for the next EQE.

Tutors will be available to submit questions in advance, until 1 October 2024, via this form.

Further information are available on the EPO website.

Online registration is disabled for this event. Please contact us for further information.