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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

Webinar on Patent litigation in Scandinavian Countries: specifics for national proceedings and a future prospect in light of the UPC

Online: 19.06.2024

Starts: 19.06.2024 10:00hrs
Ends: 19.06.2024 11:00hrs




With the start of the UPC patentees will have the choice to litigate their European patents either before the UPC or before a national court. In this series of webinars the specifics of patent litigation before the national courts will be considered per country. In each webinar a specialist in the area of national and international litigation will highlight what procedural and substantial issues are specific for that country’s court proceedings and these will be put into relation with the proceedings that will be possible before the UPC. In that way a better choice can be made to either use the national court procedures or the UPC.

The Nordic countries have been close allies throughout the creation of the patent legislation as we know it today. As a result, the substantive rules on patents are very similar. There are, however, differences in how the proceedings are conducted. In this webinar, the court systems of Denmark and Sweden will be compared, including their respective approach to the grant of preliminary injunctions (including cross-border injunctions), evidence including expert evidence, cross-examination, costs and timing. This webinar will also introduce the Regional Nordic-Baltic division of UPC and the local division in Copenhagen. During the webinar, Nicolaj Boarding and Wendela Hårdemark will, supported by Rut Herbjørnsen, guide you through the Nordic patent litigation landscape.

Wendela Hårdemark is a partner at Westerberg & Partners. She has over fifteen years of experience in dispute resolution and specialises in intellectual property disputes. Over the years, her practice has increasingly focused on patents and copyrights. She has litigated and provided advice regarding pharmaceuticals, biosimilars, medical devices, computer-implemented inventions, industrial processes, AI and non-fungible tokens. Wendela is a member of AIPPI Sweden, the AIPPI standing committee on ADR, a board member of FICPI Sweden and a member of the ICC Sweden’s Arbitration Committee. 

Nicolaj Bording is a partner at Kromann Reumert in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is qualified both as an attorney at law ("advokat", 2009) in Denmark and the US (LL.M., Stanford Law School, admitted to the New York Bar in 2013). He specializes in litigation and IP dispute resolution, including in particular cases concerning patents or trade secrets or cases involving complex technologies. His practice mainly involves patents in the area of life sciences and pharmaceuticals. Nicolaj Bording is a member of several boards and committees including the board of the Danish Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and the Danish AIPPI Group, and the AIPPI Standing Committee on Trade Secrets. Over the past 20 years, he has authored a large number of publications in patent law and has also served as a lecturer in procedural law at the University of Copenhagen. Nicolaj Bording is also a certified arbitrator (2021). 


  • Wendela Hårdemark
  • Nicolaj Bording

Target group

Level of expertise
Intermediate level

Online training

Technical requirements
In order to attend the on-line course participants need a computer with an internet browser and a high-speed broadband internet connection. For the webinar, epi uses Zoom. Security settings on local Firewalls need to be checked. In order to make full use of the webinar session, we recommend to use headsets.

To access to the webinar epi sends out a link and the guidelines for participants shortly before the webinar.

 Application and use of personal data

Please do not use capital letters when filling the online registration form. Please indicate only personal email addresses.

By registering for this event, you accept that all your personal data may be used by the epi and authorised third parties (e.g. EPO) to the extent necessary to provide services or content you have requested. Please note our leaflet on privacy policy regarding the processing of your personal data.  

Please note our "private policy" regarding the processing of your personal data.

Working language

  • English

Registration fee

Participation fee (epi-member)
EUR 90,-
Participation fee (epi-student)
EUR 60,-
Participation fee (non epi-member)
EUR 190,-


For further information, please contact Noreen Osterlehner ([email protected]).

Minimum number of participants

*If the minimum number of participants was not reached by the registration deadline, the event will be cancelled. In this case the epi will inform you immediately.


Event has free slots available

Registration deadline

Registration is open until 17.06.2024 The order of receipt by epi will determine the attendance in case of over-subscription.

The registration deadline for this event (17.06.2024) is over.